Are you looking for the latest Wipro WEP BOUNTI DR-400 driver package? If yes, then you have arrived at the right place, here, you will not only find the drivers for this printer, but also complete instructions for their proper installation.
The Wipro WEP BOUNTI DR-400 is a receipt printer which uses Impact Dot Matrix printing method. The maximum print speed of this printer is 4.5 lines per second and the total life of its print head is 150 million strokes. This printer supports USB and serial connectivity.
On this page, we are sharing Wipro WEP BOUNTI DR-400 driver download links for Windows, Linux and Mac operating systems. The drivers shared below can be used as an alternative to the software CD drivers of this printer.
Steps to Download Wipro WEP BOUNTI DR-400 Driver
In our OS list, find your preferred operating system and use its download link to get your Wipro WEP BOUNTI DR-400 driver setup file.
Driver Download Links
- Wipro WEP BOUNTI DR-400 driver for Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (32bit) → Download
- Wipro WEP BOUNTI DR-400 driver for Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (64bit) → Not Available
- Wipro WEP BOUNTI DR-400 driver for Mac OS v10.0 to 11 Big Sur → Not Available
- Wipro WEP BOUNTI DR-400 driver for Linux, Ubuntu → Not Available
- Download the driver directly from the Wipro WEP BOUNTI DR-400 official website.
Printer Driver Conflict
Driver conflicts may occur when you install the full feature Wipro WEP BOUNTI DR-400 driver on your computer. You can avoid such conflicts by removing all the useless drivers from your computer and by following the right installation process.
Supported Operating Systems
- Windows XP to Windows 10 (32bit/64bit)
- Mac OS v10.0 to 11 Big Sur
- Linux and Ubuntu (32bit/64bit)
How to Install Wipro WEP BOUNTI DR-400 Driver
Although this Wipro printer is a receipt printer, but its installation process is similar to the printer driver installation process described in our guide. You must read our guide given below before installing your printer driver.
- How to install driver automatically using its setup file
- How to install driver manually using basic driver (.INF driver)
WeP DR400 Inked Ribbon Details
This printer uses Inked Ribbon Black (RIBW0073) for printing.