The official Samsung SCX-4321NS driver package is usually searched by users who are unable to access the drivers of their Samsung SCX-4321NS (SS166C) software CD. Therefore, on this page we are sharing Samsung SCX-4321NS driver download links of Windows Server 2016, Server 2012, Server 2008, Server 2003, windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, 2000, Vista, XP for 32-bit and 64-bit versions, Mac OS X and Linux operating systems. You will also find on this page information on the proper installation procedure of this driver.
How to download Samsung SCX-4321NS driver
In the list of OS given below, locate the OS on which you want to install this Samsung printer. Then, download the Samsung SCX-4321NS printer driver related to your OS. Kindly leave a message in the comments down below if you encounter any problems in downloading the printer driver.
Driver Downloads
Printer Model Number | Operating System |
Scanner Drivers |
Samsung SCX-4321NS Basic Driver for |
Samsung SCX-4321NS SmartThruOffice for |
Samsung SCX-4321NS Basic Driver for | Linux and Ubuntu 32bit / 64bit | Printer & Scanner |
Samsung SCX-4321NS Basic Driver for |
Samsung SCX-4321NS Basic Driver for |
Samsung SCX-4321NS driver is not available for these operating systems: Windows 8.1 32, 64bit, Windows 10 32, 64bit, Apple Macintosh OS X 10.0, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.10, 10.11, 10.12, 10.13 Either the drivers are in-built in these operating systems or this printer doesn’t support these operating systems. Do update your windows to get drivers. |
Download drivers directly from Samsung SCX-4321NS official website. |
Software Downloads
- Samsung Easy Printer Manager – Download
- Samsung Network PC fax Utility – Download
- Samsung Scan OCR program – Download
- Samsung SmartThru Office 2 – Download
- Smart Panel – Download
Driver compatibility
When you click the Samsung SCX-4321NS driver download link on this page you get the printer drivers directly from the official Samsung website. Therefore, all the drivers provided on this page are genuine Samsung drivers fully compatible with their respective operating systems.
Supported operating systems
Windows XP (32bit, 64bit), Windows Vista (32bit, 64bit), Windows 2000 (32bit, 64bit), Windows 7 (32bit, 64bit), Windows 8 (32bit, 64bit), Windows 8.1 (32bit, 64bit), Windows 10 (32bit, 64bit), Windows Server 2003 (32bit, 64bit), Windows Server 2008 (32bit, 64bit), Windows Server 2012 (32bit, 64bit), Windows Server 2016 (32bit, 64bit), Mac OS X, Linux.
Samsung SCX-4321NS Installation Guidelines
Installation instructions on this page will help you in installing your recently downloaded printer driver. Please read our instructions carefully to avoid making any mistakes during printer driver installation.
Uninstallation tips
Removing your old printer driver by using the uninstall process is the only way to ensure complete removal of its files. Using any other removal method will not remove all your old driver files, which may become a cause of driver conflicts in the future.
- Print: Yes
- Scan: Yes
- Copy: Yes
- Printing technology: Laser
- Scan type: Flatbed
- Wireless (Wi-Fi): Yes
- Network (LAN Port): No
- Printing preferences: Black
- Paper Size: A4, A5, A6, B5, C5, DL
- Paper Capacity: 250 sheets
- Duplex printing: Yes
- Card Slot: No
- Cartridge Model No: MLT-D119S
- Display Screen: Yes
Samsung SCX-4321NS cartridge details
This Samsung 4321 monochrome multi-function printer uses one black toner cartridge. The Samsung Black (MLT-D119S) can print up to 2,000 pages per cartridge.
Q. my computer formatted from XP to windows 7, now my printer SCX4321NS not installing. Please help me – asked by R P HIREMATH
A. All the driver download links are given above in this page. Printer model number SCX4321NS for windows 7 driver is also listed in the download section. So please go to the download section and download windows 7 printer & scanner drivers.
Questions & Answers
Q: Our operating system is Windows XP 32 Bit. We are not able to down load the SCX4321 NS Multi Function Printer (laser). Please provide the drivers.
A: So sorry about the download links were got down. Now the links are up, you can download it from the above download section. Here is the direct link as well: Printer Driver / Scanner Driver
Try this:
Thank you for your response sir
This product(scx4321ns) supports to print from android phone with usb pls reply.?
As per my knowledge, this printer doesn’t support USB to phone connection. But you can try “samsung mobile print” on your phone, maybe that will work.
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