Before downloading the driver, please ensure that the drivers are the latest and fully compatible with your operating system version.
To download the drivers, visit its official download page and alternately you may download the driver from the download section below.
In the download section, you’ll find Ricoh Aficio SPC220N driver download links for Windows 11, 10, 8, 8.1, 7, Vista, XP (32bit / 64bit), Server 2000 to 2022, Linux, Ubuntu, and Mac 10.x, 11.x, 12.x, 13.x Ventura operating systems.
In the download section you will find the download instructions. To know, how to install the driver go to the “how to install” section below.
Steps to Download Ricoh Aficio SPC220N Driver
Step 1: Choose the operating system from our OS list where you want to install this printer.
Step 2: Click on its download button to download your Ricoh Aficio SPC220N driver setup file.
Ricoh Aficio SPC220N Driver for Windows
Ricoh Aficio SPC220N Driver for Mac
Ricoh Aficio SPC220N Driver for Linux/Ubuntu
Download the driver directly from the Ricoh Aficio SPC220N official website.
How to Install Ricoh Aficio SPC220N Driver
In this section, I have shared the detailed installation guide for the full feature driver and the basic driver (inf driver) to clear all your doubts regarding the installation process.
Read the installation guide carefully and apply it on your computer, which is right for your driver, then follow its instructions to install the Ricoh Aficio SPC220N printer drivers on your computer.
Method 1: How to install a printer driver automatically using its setup file
Method 2: How to install a printer driver manually using basic driver (.INF driver)
Ricoh Aficio SPC220N Features
The Ricoh Aficio SPC220N all-in-one printer is been designed for small offices and small companies.
This color laser printer is capable of completing high volume print jobs while keeping the printing costs at affordable levels. This laser printer can deliver outstanding quality color prints at resolutions of up to 2400 x 600 dpi, while maintaining a top print speed of nearly 16 ppm.
You can connect this printer through USB cable and Ethernet cable. It support both USB and Ethernet connectivity options.
Toner Cartridge of Ricoh Aficio SPC220N Printer
This laser printer uses one Black (406159/406046), one Cyan (406047/406096), one Magenta (406099/406048) and one Yellow (406044/406105) toner cartridge for printing. The maximum page yield of each of these cartridges is nearly 2000 pages per cartridge.