The Epson L382 is an incredible all-in-one inkjet ideal printer for all types of colour print outs. This printer has Waste Ink Pad which is used for gathering and engrossing waste ink during the printing process and also for the cleaning of print-heads. Epson L382 will stop working properly if its Waste Ink Pads are flooded with ink.
To resolve this issue, Epson has released an ink pad resetter software called the Epson L382 Resetter Tool – Adjustment Program. Epson provides this Adjustment Program completely free of cost. All you need to know is the proper method of using this Epson reset tool for Epson L382. On this page, you will get the Epson L382 resetter download link, along with the description on how to use this adjustment tool in the right way so that you can restore the original workings of your Epson L382.
Download Epson L382 Resetter Tool
First, you need to download Epson L382 adjustment program tool. You can easily download the Epson L382 Adjustment Program from its official website. Epson L382 adjustment tool and download the resetter. After downloading it, follow the following how to use steps.
How to Use Epson L382 Resetter Tool
- Download the Epson L382 resetter program from the Internet.
- Turn off your antivirus protection for a while. You may turn it on after you have done the these steps.
- Unzip the Epson L382 Resetter Tool file into a folder.
- In that folder double-click on ‘Adjprog-esk.exe’ file to run this software.
Note: Don’t run Adjprog.exe file
- Now click on ‘Select’ to choose your printer model number that you have.
- In this window, in the Model Name, select ‘Epson L382’ from the drop-down list.
- In the Destination drop-down list select ‘EURO’ and click ‘OK’.
- Now click ‘Particular adjustment mode’.
- In this window select ‘Waste ink pad counter’ and click ‘OK’.
- Now select ‘Main pad counter’ and then, click on ‘Check’.
- Now select ‘Main pad counter’ and then, click on ‘Initialize.
- Now click ‘OK’.
- Finally, click on ‘Finish’.
The Epson L382 adjustment tool can be used for multiple things, like Adjusting EEPROM Data Copy, PF/EJ adjustment, Bi-D adjustment, Head angular adjustment, Head cleaning, Ink charge, Top margin adjustment, Head ID Input, Initialize PF deterioration offset, etc.
For all the users of Epson L382 printer it’s highly recommended to keep Epson L382 resetter tool installed on their computer. This adjustment program can have multiple uses.
Questions & Answers
Q: i have tryed to extract my file but it complainng about virus, what should i do
A: Sometimes it catches as a virus, but it is not. This issue can be fixed by disabling your antivirus for even 15 minutes. Here's how you can disable your antivirus temporarily:
Q: Well I have completed all and after clicking finish the software goes in "Not Responding" status... is this Normal??
A: No, it is not normal.
- Make sure you have selected the right port.
- Don't select 'platen pad counter'.
Q: L 386 Printer light blinking, please send resetter.
A: I have sent you the L386 resetter to your email. However, the resetter download link is given above so you can download it from there as well.
Q: Printer light blinking.
A: You are on the right page to download Epson L382 reset utility. So go to the download section above and download the resetter. Reply again if you face any problem in downloading it.
Q: My printer l382 has problems of inkpad.
A: Yes, it will fix 'Ink pad counter' or 'end of its service' issue. Please try it once. Download it from the above link.
Q: Its end its service.
A: Yes, this resetter tool can fix this 'end of service' issue. Go to the download section and download Epson L382 resetter utility.
Wonderful for my pc. It has done it
i cant download
please it to my email
“An unhandled exception occurred at $40C081E1”
How can I go about that?
connection not found how can I go about it?
Tried to run the tool but saying files not found.Where could I have gone wrong?
Very great Job
Fixes the problem immediately
thanks and good job
have followed all the procedures unfortunately its not working
Thanks for finally talking about > (Free Download)
Epson L382 Resetter Tool Download for Free | Adjustment Program 10
thank you
Please assist me I am encountering problem in resetting my printer L382. ON my screen I see something like this.! Cannot execute “C:\Users\THESSL~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EXb13536.9176\Adjprog-esk.exe”
What should I do
Disable your antivirus. Antivirus keeps deleting this file.
how to download this link
Just click on the above given download link. Make sure your printer is disabled for a while at the time of downloading and installing.
Thank you very much,
how can i make active my adj prog active
Hello! This is Raymond from South Sudan.
Am facing challenges on how to resetter my Epson L382 Ink Pad Tank
thanks this solution it solve my issue
We are so happy to hear that you were able to solve the issue. If you ever have any feedback or questions, please let us know!
Thanks I’ve managed to do it
Hi the resetter i have tried but i t gives me an error what did i do wrong because i clicked where it is shown there but it shows me password and i inserted after that it gave me the Cannot execute error
You are experiencing this problem because your antivirus keeps removing the resetter’s main file (AdjProg.exe) or its internal module. So disable your antivirus temporarily or restore the deleted file from your antivirus. This will fix the issue. After you have disabled your antivirus, extract the zip file again and then run the resetter’s EXE file once more.
It keeps regularly show error in communication.
Try to change the USB port – plug it to another USB port.
problem 100% solved
I’m glad to hear that. Thank you!!
100% solved
thank you
You’re welcome!!
THX M8 WORKS 100% ….
I am in Zimbabwe. I have been trying for several days now. When I click the check button it goes to ‘no responding’ what can I do or does it not work in my Country
Thank you so much.
Thank you sir for you constant cooperation
thank you so much from your helping me to do my printer so well and now it works very well.
hello Techstar ,thanks for the work done there .
i have also got the same problem problem wit ink pad ,and i have tried the adjustment tool several times but still doesnot work. when i download the tool and i try to extract , nothing changes . the thing remains dormant .when i choose extract epson l382 adjustment noting extracts and i have uninstalled all the anti-virus programs..
what could be the problem mr.
This should be due to it being blocked by Antivirus. If not, then you may try to update/reinstall your zip software to latest one. This trick should work for you.
I successfully installed the resetter tool. How do I replace the waste ink pad?
Is this link and password valid up to date 19th sep 2021? please advise.
No, the password is same and there is no time limit to download and use this tool.
nice nice 100%
Thank you so much. It has worked
Am trying to download the adjusment programme but it is not going through, some options are locked wgat may be the cause?
Can you please explain a bit more what options are exactly locked and you wanted to do?
Verrrrrrrry good
one epson printer is how many reset the offline
Thanks a lot, It really helped me
You’re most welcome!!
Link has failed working, any help please?
I just checked the link and it is working just fine on my side. Please explain with more detail what happened on your side.
Very helpful, you just saved my day mate…Thank you so much
HI,when i choose – Adjprog-est and when i run it displays:
Windows cannot complete the extraction
The destination file could not be created.
How do i go about it. Please help
To fix this issue, read the following FAQs carefully. Click on this link to get to the FAQs page:
The tool is not downloading on my pc i dot know why
To fix this issue, read the following FAQs carefully. Click on this link to get to the FAQs page:
The extracted folder does not contain a file called Adjprog-esk.exe for me. What to do then? There is a name instead of Apdadrv.dll
I just tried it and it worked fine in my case. Make sure your antivirus is disabled otherwise your antivirus will surely delete the Adjprog-esk.exe. Checkout this video:
Please try again. I just tried and it worked fine.
Unable to my window 8.. which window sir..
VIRUS /TROJAN inside zip file!
No, it is safe. Please watch the mentioned video carefully.
My Epson l382 is saying. A printer ink pad is at the end of it’s service life, please contact Epson support. What should I do
i down loaded the zip for the Epson L382 resetter but its not working. please help
To fix this issue, read the following FAQs carefully. Click on this link to get to the FAQs page:
good job … thank you very match
You’re most welcome!!
hello. i have downloaded a resetter for epson L382 but under the extract of the downloaded resetter isnt opening run as administrator option. please help , ir requires service because the is at its end of service.
You are experiencing this problem because your antivirus keeps removing the resetter’s main file (AdjProg.exe). So disable your antivirus temporarily or restore the deleted file from your antivirus. This will fix the issue. After you have disabled your antivirus, extract the zip file again and then run the resetter’s EXE file once more, according to its requirement.
That’s it.
downloaded the software, followed the instructions, restart computer and printer and the error remains.
Thank you bro.
this tricks works properly
it worked out perfectly God bless you all
thanks a lot
key of activation please
No activation required, please read the “how-to-use” guide carefully which is to be given above on this page.
The password for extract of rare file isn’t working for me, can you help please????
The password is: fpdd
If it is not working, it means your your zip software is gone out dated, please update it. Please read the “Epson reset utility” user guide.
I updated my zip software and it worked thank you so much.
Glad to know it worked. You’re welcome!!
sorry tech-star my Epson printer L382 stopped working suddenly and i have a lot of papers to work into this week. can you help me solve my problem. the programme is not responding what can i do.
1) Power drain your printer first.
2) Make sure you have selected the correct port while using the resetter.
3) Try to use the resetter tool in safemode.
Let us know the results.
it worked for mine thanks
thank you so much, it did work on my L386!! and saved my ***!!
thanks again
Good day, I always get an error when trying to open the zipped file, so I wonder if it is possible to send me the unzipped file or can I solve the problem in that way?
Thank you…
Please read the FAQ page carefully to fix this issue:
Thank You!!!
You’re welcome!!
Many thanks dear Techstar. It’s working ! You’re wonderful
You’re most welcome!!
Hahaha!!! Thanks so much. It work correctly as explained.
Hi, on the screen apear a communication error:
Please help me to check it!
To fix this issue, please read the solution no:6 from this FAQ page:
Thank you friend, you saved me. At the beginning, I did not believe, I thought it was just another deception. But it’s true. Good luck in everything and good health.
I am pleased to know that our efforts helped you. You have made me feel proud. Thanks for the lovely compliment. Have a great day!!
how to shortcut to for window?
or how to extract in folder?
1) Make sure the zip software should be installed on the computer like WinRAR, Winzip, 7z. If not installed, then install one of them first.
2) Right-click on the zip file and click on extract files to a folder. All the files will be extracted into the same folder.
sorry i can reset my epson l382 in pad counter, help me with a good programme via your link, thanks with best regards
You’re most welcome!!
It is really working my friend. thumbs up.
It’s a thump up for your team guys
Thanks a lot, mine worked after following your procedures!
You’re most welcome!!
great, works ! thanks !
Thanks sofware working ……..
! Cannot open Epson L380
You are experiencing this problem because your antivirus keeps removing the resetter’s main file (AdjProg.exe). So disable your antivirus temporarily or restore the deleted file from your antivirus. This will fix the issue.
Thank UUUUUUU fabulous work.
Can your software be used subsequently or is it just once?
It is for forever.
Most genuine site I have seen. The software works thank you sir
You’re most welcome!!
once i double click on Adjpro its asking for password,, which is this password
First unzip all the files into a folder using this password: fpdd
Then run adjprog-esk.exe file. See this video tutorial:
“an unhandled exception occurred at $40C081E1” is the message I see when I try to open this: how to solve this problem ?
Could you please let me know when you get this error message while extracting the zip file or in opening the adjprog-esk.exe file?
Please follow the following instructions carefully.
1. Download and install WINRAR on your computer. WinRaR download link:
Important Note: It might be possible that your already installed zip file software has gone outdated. Outdated zip software may have the following issues: telling the wrong password (but the password is correct) and showing an error while extracting the zip file (but zip file is OK). So install the latest one to ignore this type of issue.
2. Disable your antivirus for 15 minutes.
Important Note: If you do not disable antivirus then you may get an error message while extracting or running the adjustment program (Resetter).
3. Download the resetter once again to a new location.
4. Now extract it by right-clicking on it and click on the ‘Extract to’ option.
5. While extracting it, it will be asking for a password. So the password is: fpdd
That’s it.
I have a problem: I still display communication error.
At which point exactly you are getting this communication error?
Thank you. That’s great
This is where we check (Main pad counter and Platen pad counter).
– When I check both, it displays communication error with the code.
– When I check “Main pad counter” only everything is fine.
So when should both go without displaying an error?
By the way I would like to know if this method can solve any kind of EPSON?
I want to say thank you very much and thank you to all your team. I will be delighted to assist you as soon as possible.
I tried but it shows a communication error with a code at the end.
Make sure your printer’s USB cable is connected properly. Put it back to the computer, not in front. Don’t use any USB hub. Start your the resetter in administrator mode. Exactly at which point are you getting this error message?
Thanks you for the support.
hi am trying to install the software but deny to be installed how can i do
Greetings and respect to you!
Thank you for this useful and valuable program. Good luck and be successful.
I still recommend to friends and users who use Epson printers to use this Reseter and solve the problem.
its say prog not valid for win 32 application but im using win 64 pro plz advise
When did you get this error message while extracting the zip file or while running the Adjprog-esk.exe?
It’s stucks whenever i click on “initialize” button. Never runs after that. Trying 150th time now. Anybody help
Don’t select ‘platen pad counter’, just select ‘main pad counter’, it will work.
Sorry Techstar, Im getting difficulties in running the setup, can I get a help please?
my Printer L382 has stopped working and a have a bulk of papers to work tonight please help me.
Afra Paul FROM Tanzania af*******
Right-click on the downloaded tool and run with administrative privileges. Choose “Run as administrator” option.
Please as you Know i live in Ethiopia and it is difficult to get buying through Electronic Email.
so send me please the Link to Reset L382 Epson
Thank You for your Helping
You are on the right page, so go to the download section above and click on the download button use this password (fpdd) to open it.
dear sir/madam
hope be fine and well i have a problem in service l382 when i download this fille and extract from zip to other folder then the adjprog.esk fill were hide in that way…………..what is the problem and also the antivirus is of for permenant
It did not hide, your antivirus has been removed it. So the solution to your problem is just disable your antivirus for 15 minutes and then do the same process again. Let so know again it doesn’t work.
Did you tick the checkbox of “Platen Ink counter”? If yes, then don’t select it. Select the “Main pad counter” only.
oh my God, it works! oufff! I thought that it was a scam – but it works just fine! Disabling the Norton antivirus is a must, then I had a few errors but could manage y clicking only “Main pad counter” and not both counters. Finally the laptop stopped seeing my printer and I had to remove it and install all over again – but that helped and my L382 works again! THANKS A LOT!!!!
Happy to know that it worked for you. Please do subscribe to our YouTube channel if you have not done yet.
Hi Techstar, i can’t believe it, it has worked. just in a klick of a batton. it took me two weeks to solve this. You have made my evening. ha,ha,ha,ha,ha .May God Bless you.
Thanks, glad to hear your feedback!!
Which zip software are you using: WinZip, WinRAR, 7z? It seems your zip file opener software has gone outdated. I recommend WinRAR. You can download it from here:
If zip file opener software is OK, then make sure you are disabling the antivirus before unziping the resetter file.
See this video for more details:
please guide me on the resetter key my printer l 382 has stopped working and i have got alot work an also lossing my client please asisist dam********
Did you select the right USB port? Do right-click on the adjprog-esk.exe file and then click on “Run as Administrator”.
Communication Erreur 21000B0 s’affiche
sorry would you please send to me resert software for epson l382
We have already given the Epson L382 resetter download link and its password in the download section given above. Please go to the download section above to download the resetter. Please let me know if the link doesn’t work for you and if there’s anything else that I can help you more.
Oww dear Techstar the “adjprog-esk” isn’t found. So, what do I do?
If you did not find the adjprog-esk file after extracting it then your antivirus must have deleted that file. Please disable your antivirus for 15 minutes and then extract the zip file.
after clicking
‘adjprog-esk.exe’ it says its not found please direct me and help in any way as soon as possible.
If you did not find the adjprog-esk file after extracting it then your antivirus must have deleted that file. Please disable your antivirus for 15 minutes and then extract the zip file.
Where do i found the passwords to inter on required box?
the password is: fpdd
This message appears on the screen
Communications Error!
Error code: 2000020A
Make sure you have selected the right printer port.
After following the mentioned steps, there is a communication error message by giving code error
thank you bro, I am from TANZANIA this help me . very thank to you
save me password sir
Password is: fpdd
heloo the adjustment program keeps showing error 21000069
Could you please provide a screenshot of the error message? It is possible that antivirus is still enabling and deleting some of resetter files, so make sure your antivirus is disabled for a while.
check usb cable
please i need adjustment for epson l3050
thank you
I still don’t have it, sorry.
I need adjustment for L800 up to 850
thanks sir i love free website
Glad to have your comments like this.
If you can help me I have downloaded the link more this ask for activation key.
It should not ask for the activation key if you run adjprog-esk.exe. Make sure you run adjprog-esk.exe instead of adjprog.exe.
its asking for password after running adjprog-esk.exe
The password is: fpdd
Thank you,Let me try
Please reply back am on line now. Thank you.
Please guide me on the ressetter key my printer L382 has stopped working and i have got alot of work am also lossing my clients.Please assist abd*****
I have sent you another link to your email address please check.
send a link for me for afghanistan
Means do you want to get this driver for a different language?
It keeps on showing error
What error message are you talking about? Please explain a bit more.
it requires activation key
Run Adjprog-esk.exe file instead of Adjprog.exe one.

thank you so much. im greatful it worked well
How long does the initializing process takes? Mine it takes too long
how long does it usually take? It’s taking a lot of time
I am not sure about it but it should not take a long time. One thing you can do is restart the process but this time run Adjprog-esk.exe in ‘run as administrator’ mode.
after I click ‘Adjprog-esk.exe’ it displays not found. So, please help me.
Disable your antivirus, your antivirus will detect “Adjprog-esk.exe” as a virus and delete it. Disable your antivirus for a while and then extract the zip file again.
kindly TechStar can disable the antivirus for a while?
Can you help me with resetting the Epson WF2750 please.
my printer is l382 which has an ink pad end of service life error. when I initialize the waste pad values am getting a communication error code : 210004B0
please advice.
hey tech star am not able to download the link but it is bringing a network error which i tried to solve following your steps bu still am not able to download the file
when i click on the last step “finish” then communication error is come up so how to solve it
I am not sure about fixing the communication error in this situation, but we suggest you that switch your printer’s USB cable to another USB port of the computer. Try it!!
you just click finish and it will work, it worked from my end
help password
the link is not working, what is wrong?
Go to the download section given above. Click on the given download button.
Brother Thansk so much u share the link its work 100%
i m say to thank you again.
you help me wen i have no money to buy this software
i relly thanks to you dear friend.
You help me
I pray for you. Thanks so much
We are glad to know that it worked for you. Thank you so much for your appreciation. Have a great day!
hi can you help me how to download the resetter app
Have you tried the alternate download link given just beneath the main download link?
the Link is not working the file is blocked, what is happening
The download link is working fine from my side. I’ll check the issue thoroughly. Anyway I have sent the resetter to your email address.
The Link is not Working 🙁
Please Give me new working link … i need it.
my printer stopped and i have too much work.
help me please.
It is working from my side. Anyway, we have also sent L382 resetter file to your email. Please check it out.
I’m trying to download it but there’s only one option on file which say extract all and not extract to as you just said. Can you help me with this please?
To fix this issue, read the following FAQs carefully. Click on this link to get to the FAQs page:
Why this link cann’t be downloaded? Which way can I use?
It is downloading fine on my computer. Could you please explain what is happening when you click on download link?
why ink need pasword
The resetter password is fpdd
Which Ink is asking for a password? Please explain your problem so that we can give you solution.
Please help my epson L382 printer is works properly when i use copy but when print from pc it prints blank paper, how it troublshot
This might be due to driver malfunctioning. to fix this issue, I would recommend that you reinstall its driver with the latest version.
link error
Please try again, it is working from my end. Please let us know if it doesn’t work.
i have run all of the above procedure but no change its still blinking
Very nice