Canon Laser Shot LBP6000 Driver & software download for Windows 11, 10, 8, 8.1, 7, Vista, XP (32bit / 64bit), Server 2000 to 2022, Linux, Ubuntu, and Mac OS.
This monochrome Canon Laser Shot LBP6000 laser printer offers fast printing with a rate of up to 19 papers per minute (19ppm) and it can produce good quality print with a resolution of up to 600 by 600 dpi.
This class of laser printers comes with a unique design, compact with dimensions of 9.9 x 14.2 x 7.8 inches and weighs around 13 pounds. Canon Laser Shot LBP6000 (F158200) Driver Download. This budget or affordable printer is suitable for home use, small businesses and offices.

Download Canon LBP6000 Driver for Windows, Linux, Mac
Download Links
Printer Model Number | Operating System | Download Link |
Canon Laser Shot LBP6000 (F158200) Driver Download for |
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Canon Laser Shot LBP 6000 (F158200) Driver Download for |
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Canon Laser Shot LBP-6000 (F158200) Driver for |
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Canon Laser Shot LBP6000 (F158200) Driver for |
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Canon Laser Shot LBP6000 (F158200) Driver |
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Canon Laser Shot LBP 6000 official direct download page | Official Website |
The printer runs using Canon Laser Shot LBP600 driver whose download instructions are described at the tail end of this article. The printer is supported by the following Operating systems:
Windows Vista ( 32bit and 64bit), Mac OS, Windows XP (32bit and 64bit), Linux OS, Windows 7 (32bit and 64bit), Windows 8, 8.1, Windows 10, 11 (32bit and 64bit)
How to Install Canon LBP6000 Printer Driver on Windows
The driver can be downloaded by clicking on this link. After downloading the driver, you will need to save it in an easy-to-find location like your desktop. Open the downloaded file by double-clicking on the EXE file and follow the prompts to install the driver.
Most users think that installing the Canon printer drivers is a simple process, but still, I would advise you to learn about the right way of installing the Canon printer drivers on your computer so that you can avail their best performance. Therefore, I have shared below the detailed installation guide for the full feature driver and basic driver (inf driver). Select the suitable installation guide for your printer driver, then follow the installation steps mentioned in that guide to install the Canon Laser Shot LBP 6000 / 6000B printer drivers on your computer.
1) Install Using Its Full Feature Driver
In this guide, I will describe the installation procedure for the full feature Canon Laser Shot LBP 6000 / 6000B driver on a Windows computer. To make the whole installation process easier to understand and implement, I have attached an image file with each installation step. Follow the installation steps given below for all versions of the Windows operating system.
- Right click on the driver package file downloaded from this guide, then select the ‘Open’ option from the menu.
- Wait for the extraction of the setup files to be completed on your computer.
- Go to the folder where you have extracted the driver files, locate and right click the ‘Setup’ executable file, then choose the ‘Run as administrator’ option from the menu.
- In the Welcome screen of the Setup Wizard, click on the ‘Next’ button to begin the printer driver installation process.
- In the License Agreement screen, click on the ‘Yes’ button to accept the Canon Software License Agreement.
- In the Printer Installation screen, select the ‘Install the USB Connection’ option, then click on the ‘Next’ button. If you want to connect your printer via some other port, then choose the ‘Manually Set Port to Install’ option.
- Please be informed that you won’t be able to cancel the driver installation once it has started. Click on the ‘Yes’ button to proceed with the installation process.
- Wait for the setup program to copy the necessary setup files onto your computer.
- Connect your Canon printer with your computer by using a USB cable and make sure that your printer is switched on. Wait for the installer program to detect your printer, then follow the onscreen prompts to complete the driver installation process.
That’s it, you have successfully completed the installation of the Canon Laser Shot LBP 6000 / 6000B driver package on your Windows computer. Your Canon laser printer is now ready for printing.
2) Install It Using Its Basic Driver
There are several users who may want to install this Canon printer using their Canon Laser Shot LBP 6000 / 6000B basic driver, if you are once such a user, then I have shared a detailed installation guide with you. In our installation guide, I have explained the proper way of installing the Canon Laser Shot LBP 6000 / 6000B INF driver on a Windows computer. Read the article: How to install a printer driver manually using a basic driver (.INF driver).
How to Install Canon LBP 6000 / 6000B Driver on Linux
I have prepared this guide to help those users who want to install the Canon Laser Shot LBP 6000 / 6000B printer driver on a Linux computer. The installation steps I have described below are for the Ubuntu version of Linux, but you can follow the same installation process for other Linux versions as well. Before starting the installation process, download the driver package file and save it on the desktop.
- Right click the driver package file downloaded from this page and select the ‘Extract Here’ option from the menu.
- Wait for the extraction of the files to be completed on your computer.
- Press the ‘CRTL’ + ‘ALT’ + ‘T’ keys simultaneously to open the terminal window, then type ‘sudo su’ command in the terminal window and press the ‘Enter’ key on your keyboard.
- If you have a user password, then type that password, otherwise, leave it blank. Finally, press the ‘Enter’ key on your keyboard.
- Type the ‘cd Desktop’ command, then press the ‘Enter’ key.
- Once you have reached the desktop folder in the terminal window, move to the next step.
- Right click the driver folder on the desktop and choose ‘Rename’ option from the menu.
- Right click on the name of the folder, then select the ‘Copy’ option in the menu.
- Type ‘cd’ command in the terminal window, then right click the terminal window and choose ‘Paste’ option from the menu.
- The final command should look as its shown in the image below. Now, press the ‘Enter’ key.
- Once you are inside the driver folder in the terminal window, then type the ‘./’ command and press the ‘Enter’ key.
Note: If you see the ‘Permission Denied’ message, then type the ‘chmod +x’ command so that you get access rights to execute the file on your computer. Finally, then press the ‘Enter’ key. Then again try the above ‘./’ command. - You will be asked to confirm if you want to proceed with the driver installation process. Press the ‘Y’ key on your keyboard, then press the ‘Enter’ key.
- Waiting for the installation of the driver files to be completed.
- When you see the message that the installation is completed, then close the terminal window and follow the next steps given below.
- Go to the System Settings window, then choose the ‘Printers’ option to proceed.
- In the Printers folder, click on the ‘Add’ button to add a new printer.
- In the New Printer screen, under Devices list, select the ‘Canon LBP6000’ option and ensure that the ‘USB’ option is selected under Connection. Finally, click on the ‘Forward’ button.
- Wait as the setup program searches for the printer drivers on your computer.
- In the Describe Printer screen, check all the mentioned details of your printer and confirm that you don’t want to change them. In case you want to change some details, then you should do it now, otherwise, click on the ‘Apply’ button to proceed with the mentioned printer details.
- Now, you will be given an option to print a test page with your newly installed Canon printer. If you want to print a test page, then you can click on the ‘Print Test Page’ button. This will give you a chance to test that your printer has properly installed on your computer. However, I decided to skip this step, thus, I clicked on the ‘Cancel’ button.
That’s it, the installation of the Canon Laser Shot LBP 6000 / 6000B printer driver has been successfully completed on your Linux computer. Your Canon printer is now ready to print documents. If at any stage during the installation process you experience any problems, then restart your computer and try again.
How to uninstall or repair the driver: A situation might arise where you need to uninstall the driver from your PC. If such a need arises, no need to worry, you can achieve this through the control panel. Locate your control panel and uninstall or repair the program. You may need to restart your computer to effect the changes.
Specification & Features:
Reliable laser quality – This printer gives quality laser prints at a fast rate and can satisfy the needs of any small business and home users.
Single Cartridge System-The printer’s cartridge system combines its drum, toner and development into a single easy-to-replace cartridge, eliminating all wastage.
Compact – The compact design of this printer makes it ideal for home users and can fit in any small space on your office or home desk
Note: Install and uninstall procedures listed above are common for Windows OS; you might need to follow a slightly different procedure for other Operating Systems.
Questions & Answers
Q: When I connect my Mac air running OS 10.13.6 to Canon 6800 using a cable, I get error not connected and "printer is not online." it won't pint.
A: Follow the following steps:
Step 1: Power drain your printer.
Step 2: Uninstall and then reinstall the printer using this driver.
Step 3: If the above two steps did not work for you then you'll to make sure that your printer's USB cable is connected properly. Here's the step-by-step guide on how to troubleshoot printer's USB connection.
Q: please send free installer driver for canon lbp 6000; my Lenovo laptop has no cd drive. canon laser shot lbp 6000 Windows 10.
A: Nowadays, there is no need driver's CD because all the manufacturers provide the latest driver download link on their website online. We are giving you that driver link here, click here to download.
I can not down load the LBP 6000 printer
Here’s the driver:
Please let me know if it doesn’t work. Please explain your problem with more detail here, so that we can give our best suggestions on that.
I need to use this driver
Go ahead and download the driver from the download section. Please let me know if it doesn’t work.