This download page has included step by step guide how to download DELL 1350cnw Color Laser Printer Driver & software package for multiple operating systems and easy step-by-step description on their proper installation. Please follow the given download installation instruction to download DELL 1350cnw drivers.
How to download Dell 1350cnw driver.
- First, identify your computer’s operating system.
- Next, choose your operating system from the list of operating systems mentioned below.
- Then, download the Dell 1350cnw printer driver associated with your operating system.
Dell 1350cnw driver & software download link
(Download Section)
(Download Section)
You can download the Dell 1350cnw drivers from here. Choose your operating system and system type 32bit or 64bit and then click on the highlighted blue link (hyperlink) to download the driver.
- Dell 1350cnw printer driver download for windows xp (32bit)
- Dell 1350cnw printer driver download for windows xp (64bit)
- Dell 1350cnw printer driver download for windows vista (32bit)
- Dell 1350cnw printer driver download for windows vista (64bit)
- Dell 1350cnw printer driver download for windows 7 (32bit)
- Dell 1350cnw printer driver download for windows 7 (64bit)
- Dell 1350cnw printer driver download for windows 8 (32bit)
- Dell 1350cnw printer driver download for windows 8 (64bit)
- Dell 1350cnw printer driver download for windows 8.1 (32bit)
- Dell 1350cnw printer driver download for windows 8.1 (64bit)
- Dell 1350cnw printer driver download for windows 10 (32bit)
- Dell 1350cnw printer driver download for windows 10 (64bit)
- Dell 1350cnw printer driver download for windows Server 2000 (32bit)
- Dell 1350cnw printer driver download for windows Server 2000 (64bit)
- Dell 1350cnw printer driver download for windows Server 2003 (32bit)
- Dell 1350cnw printer driver download for windows Server 2003 (64bit)
- Dell 1350cnw printer driver download for windows Server 2008 (32bit)
- Dell 1350cnw printer driver download for windows Server 2008 (64bit)
- Dell 1350cnw printer driver download for windows Server 2012 (32bit)
- Dell 1350cnw printer driver download for windows Server 2012 (64bit)
- Dell 1350cnw printer driver download for Linux –
DownloadOperating system’s drivers are not available on Dell official website, either the drivers are inbuilt in the operating system or the printer does not support these operating systems. - Dell 1350cnw printer driver download for Apple Mac
Download drivers from direct Dell official website – Go to Dell 1350cnw download page.Note: You can go for second (Method 2) option if the first option doesn’t work for you. This option is the direct download option from printer’s official website, so you will always get latest drivers from there.
Dell 1350cnw installation Guide
Our experts have prepared a driver installation guide which is easy to understand and execute. This has been done to reduce the usual mistakes users make while installing printer drivers. It doesn’t matter which operating system is running on your computer because the installation process mentioned here is different for each operating system.
Dell 1350cnw uninstallation Guide
We have done our part, but there is one thing that you need to perform on your own. You must make sure that after installing the newly downloaded Dell 1350cnw driver there are zero printer driver conflicts on your computer. Therefore, you must get rid of all the old and unnecessary printer drivers on your computer, or ensure that they are not running in the background while you are using your Dell 1350cnw printer.
Dell 1350cnw driver compatibility.
Installing a fully compatible printer driver is important for the efficient working of your printer. Therefore, all the printer drivers provided on this page have been fully checked for their compatibility with their respective operating systems. This has been done to ensure that you get to install a printer driver that is fully compatible with you printer and your computer.
Dell 1350cnw features
1. Dell color laser technology.
2. Print resolution of up to 600×600 dpi.
3. Print speed of up to 15 ppm for black and 12 ppm for color prints.
4. Duty cycle of 30,000 pages per month.
5. Wi-Fi connectivity.
Dell 1350cnw supported operating systems
- Windows XP and Vista
- Windows 7 (32bit-64bit)
- Windows 8 (32bit-64bit)
- Windows 8.1 (32bit-64bit)
- Windows 10 (32bit-64bit)
- Linux
- Mac OSX 10.1 or later
Where are the instructions mentioned? I see none; when I click on the driver for my OS, all it does is momentarily open and close another tab- nothing downloads.
Sorry for the inconvenience. I have fixed it, please try it now and let us know if it still doesn’t work.