In this driver download guide, we are sharing the Brother HL-L2350DW printer driver download links for Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems. We have shared genuine Brother drivers that are fully compatible with their associated operating systems. If you don’t find on this page the driver you were searching for, then we have also shared the download process to download your preferred drivers and software directly from the Brother website. For your convenience, we have shared the installation process for the Brother printer driver.
Steps to Download Brother HL-L2350DW Driver
Locate your operating system in our OS list and use its download button to get your Brother HL-L2350DW driver setup file.
Driver Download Links
- Brother HL-L2350DW driver for Windows XP (32bit / 64bit) → Not Available
- Brother HL-L2350DW driver for Windows Vista (32bit / 64bit) → Not Available
- Brother HL-L2350DW driver for Windows 7 (32bit & 64bit) → Download
- Brother HL-L2350DW driver for Windows 8, 8.1 (32bit & 64bit) → Download
- Brother HL-L2350DW driver for Windows 10 (32bit & 64bit) → Download
- Brother HL-L2350DW driver for Windows 11 (32bit & 64bit) → Download
- Brother HL-L2350DW driver for Server 2008, 2012 (32bit / 64bit) → Download
- Brother HL-L2350DW driver for Server 2016, 2019 (32bit / 64bit) → Download
- Brother HL-L2350DW driver for Server 2022 (32bit / 64bit) → Download
- Brother HL-L2350DW driver for Mac OS 10.15 → Download (19.4 MB)
- Brother HL-L2350DW driver for Mac OS 10.14 to 10.10 → Download (19.1 MB)
- Brother HL-L2350DW driver for Linux, Ubuntu → Printer Driver / Scanner Driver
How to Download Brother L2350dw Driver from Brother Website
If you didn’t find the driver you are searching for, then you can follow the download steps given below to get your preferred driver and software directly from the Brother website.
As we have shared the full feature Brother HL-L2350DW driver on this page. We are describing the download steps to download Brother 2350 driver from its official website as well. Follow the following steps:
- To visit the download page, click on the Brother HL-L2350DW website.
- Select your preferred OS in the ‘OS family’ section, we chose ‘Windows’. Next, select your preferred OS version in the ‘OS Version’ section, we chose ‘Windows 10 (64-bit)’. Finally, click on the ‘OK’ button.
- Since, we want to download the basic printer driver, in the Drivers section, click on the ‘Printer Driver’ link.
- If you want you can check the details about the driver. To proceed with the driver download process, click on the ‘Agree to the EULA and Download’ button.
- Click ‘Save File’ button to download your printer driver.
- You can follow the steps given above to download any other software or driver available on the Brother HL-L2350DW website.
How to Install Brother HL-L2350DW Driver
In order to help you in installing your Brother printer driver in a proper way, we are providing driver installation guides. We have provided two guides describing the installation process for the Brother driver package and the Brother INF printer driver. Read the installation guide depending upon your driver type and follow the instructions carefully to avoid driver installation mistakes.
1) Install Brother HL-L2350DW Driver Using Driver Package
Here you will learn about the installation steps for the Brother HL-L2350DW driver package. The steps given below are for Windows 10 OS, but you can follow the same steps for all Windows operating systems.
- Run the newly downloaded driver package. On the Welcome screen, select your preferred language, then click on the ‘Next’ button to proceed.
- Select ‘I accept this license agreement’ option, then click on the ‘Next’ button.
- Choose ‘Local Connection (USB)’ option, then click on the ‘Next’ button.
- When you see “Connect the machine to your computer” on the screen, then connect your Brother HL-L2350DW printer with your computer using a USB cable and start your printer.
- Now, click on the ‘Next’ button to proceed with the driver installation.
- Choose ‘Standard’ installation method and click on the ‘Next’ button.
- Wait for the installer to install the printer driver.
- If you want to install the ‘iPrint&Scan’ application, then let the installer download this application. Otherwise, you can choose ‘Install Later’ option to cancel the installation. It’s recommended to install this app.
- Wait for the installer to install iPrint&Scan app on your computer.
- Click on the ‘Next’ button to move ahead.
- Click on the ‘Finish’ button to complete the installation process and close the installer.
- That’s it, you have successfully installed your full feature Brother HL-L2350DW driver on your computer.
2) Install Brother HL-L2350DW Driver Using INF Driver
If you want to install your Brother printer by using its Brother HL-L2350DW INF driver, then the installation guide given below is for you. Read our guide carefully and follow the instructions in their correct order to install your INF driver without making any mistakes.
How to install driver manually using basic driver (.INF driver)
Brother HL-L2350DW Toner Cartridge Details
This Brother laser printer uses one Black toner cartridge for printing. This cartridge is available in two sizes – the standard yield TN730 which can print up to 1200 pages and the high yield TN760 which can print up to 3000 pages.